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“From Waste to Worth” Is Now in Unstoppable Demand

Since pioneering bio-poncho in 2014, then expand to 48 variations of products, Avani is growing bigger due to a high increase in demand from Domestic and International markets. Therefore, we are currently reassessing our stock inventories, system, and commercial team. We will also launch a new platform for you to have better shopping experience than ever!

During this phase, we apologize if there is any inconvenience caused by this update. Should you require additional assistance, please contact our Sales Representatives at 0819 9958 8224 (Whatsapp), +62 361 9077 142 (Telephone Number) or email to [email protected].

We are so glad to have more and more business owners coming in to shift their single-use plastic-based consumption with ours. We believe REPLACE is the faster solution for world’s plastic epidemic.

Writer: Magdalena – Avani Eco

Picture of sultanbreefstudio


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